ASUS has announced the launch of its latest Intel Xeon 6 processor server lineup, targeting the growing demand for High-Performance Computing (HPC) solutions. Designed to push the boundaries of computational power, this new series offers a range of servers, including the multi-node ASUS RS920Q-E12, which supports the Intel Xeon 6900 series processors—ideal for HPC applications.
Additionally, models such as the ASUS RS720Q-E12, RS720-E12, and RS700-E12 are equipped with Intel Xeon 6700 series processors featuring energy-efficient E-cores. Starting in Q1 2025, these models will also support the performance-optimized Intel Xeon 6700/6500 series with P-cores, offering seamless integration and optimization for modern data centers and diverse IT environments.
Built on ASUS's reputation for reliable and resilient server design, these new offerings provide enhanced scalability, empowering users to customize their data centers and expand their infrastructure to achieve top-tier computational potential. Whether in scientific research, artificial intelligence, or other data-intensive industries, ASUS is poised to deliver next-level HPC success. With this robust new server lineup, ASUS continues to cement its position as a leader in cutting-edge technology solutions for enterprises.
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